Ethan Hayden | composer, performer, author
infrasonic press
Ethan Hayden | composer, performer, researcher
selected list of works
Embodied Landscape
(2020) film score
Wolf Fires / Serif Flow
(2020) for vibraphone, glockenspiel, and electronics
Live Your Art
(2019) film score
Are you ripe at last, / my slim pale double-breasted turd?
(2019) for 2-channel fixed media
HaEccEity / QuiDDity
(2017) performative installation for electronics and ambient sounds
(2017) for solo oboe
Hommage à TC
for solo voice and live electronics (with optional video)
Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers
(2016) for six voices
Let's celebrate our corpse-strewn future!
for 13 instruments
"…ce dangereux supplément…"
(2015) for solo voice (with optional electronics & video)
in the beginning was the word
(2014) for speaking voice and chamber ensemble
in sonos benesonantibus
(2014) for soprano, choir, organ, carillon, and chamber ensemble
In Wahrheit saß ein buckliger Zwerg darin, der ein Meister im Schachspiel war...
(2013) for kalimba and electronics
(2012) game piece for seven or more players
star-light is a little light
(2010, rev. 2012) for flute and percussion
The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel
(2011) for pierrot ensemble and percussion
bats with baby faces in the violet light
(2011) for 2-channel fixed media
Piece for Luca
(2011) for flute ensemble
(2010) for bassoon, guitar and 'cello
What Happened
(2010) for three voices and computer
Spate: Resonantia Machina
(2009) for piano quintet